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السبت، 17 مارس 2012

Facebook like PHP script

We’ve seen the facebook like button everywhere right? But the crappy thing is that you have to copy-and-paste the facebook iframe code that has to be then edited. Lets fix this right now.
I created a PHP function called facebook_like() which can be called anywhere where you want to show the facebook like button. For more info on the facebook like button go here :http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like
function facebook_like(){
function getAddress() //this function will show the URL you are on DONT EDIT
/*** check for https ***/
$protocol = $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http';
/*** return the full address ***/
return $protocol.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$url =  getAddress(); //your full URL for page
return '<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href='.$url.'&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=true&amp;width=450&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=80" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>';
<h1>Hey do you like this page PHPacademy?</h1>

معلومات عن الفنانه احلام

اليوم جبت لكم معلومات ماتدخل العقل عن الفنانه احلام
شوفو الرابط هذا وعطوني رايكم
اهم شي ركزو على الاسم الحقيقي
وموضوع الثروه

الجمعة، 16 مارس 2012

Improve Your Website's Google

A new movement to strengthen your site in search engines Google's search engine, www.google.com, uses a variety of methods to determine which pages are displayed first in the results. Their exact formula is a secret, but there are a few things you can do to improve your positioning. The term for this is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).These tips may not make your website the first one to appear in the list, but they just may help you move up a little.
Ignore spam and websites that offer to submit your website to hundreds of search engines. At best these are wastes of time or money and at worst they can actually hurt your ranking.
Keyword Phrases
Rather than focusing on a single word, try adding a few words to make a keyword phrase. You may want to read about effective Google searches to see how keyword phrases help with searches.If you were searching for your own website, what keyword phrase would you type into Google for each page? Would you look for super fast widgets? Would you look for cooking with widgets? It may be helpful to get a different perspective. Ask someone else to read your page and suggest what they think your keyword phrase might be. You can also check Google Trends to see if one phrase is starting to gain popularity.
Try to stick to one subject per page, and stick to one keyword phrase per page.That doesn't mean you should write stilted text or use odd phrases. Clear writing is both easier to search and easier to read.
One of the things Google looks for when it catalogs pages is the density of the keyword usage. In other words, how often the keyword occurs. Use natural phrasing. Don't try to trick the search engine by repeating the same word over and over or making text "invisible." It doesn't work. In fact, some of that behavior even get your website banned. Read more: Google Dont's - Bad Tips and Dirty Tricks That Will Get You Banned.
Give a strong opening paragraph. Google may or may not search beyond the first 200 words or so of your web site, but it definitely looks at the first paragraph for keyword density.
You can check your keyword density with Google Toolbar.
Name Your Pages
Give your pages a descriptive name with the <title> tag. This is vital. Google displays search results as a link using the Web page's title. A link called 'untitled' isn't enticing, and nobody is going to click on it. When appropriate, use the page's keyword phrase in the title.
Learn more about why titles matter.
Link Early, Link Often
One of the biggest factors Google looks at is the hyperlink. Google looks at both links to and from your website.
Google looks at the words you use in links to help determine the content of your page. Use links within web pages as a way to emphasize keywords. Rather than saying, "click here to learn more about SEO" you should say: Read more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Learn more about why hyperlink names matter to Google.
Links from other websites to your website are used to determine PageRank. You can use Google Toolbar to check your current PageRank.
You can improve your PageRank by exchanging text links with other relevant websites. Banner exchanges are not as effective. You can also improve your PageRank by making sure your website is listed with important directories. In other words, check the PageRank of the home page of the directory.
Submit Your Site to the Right Directories
Submit your website to the open directory project, if possible. Google considers this directory to be an important link. Be patient. A real human has to check your site, before it's listed in the Directory.
Submit your site to specialized directories. For instance, a work at home mother owned business (WAHM) should submit her site to WAHM directories. A site on butterflies should be sent to biology or entomology directories.
Don't get too submission happy, though. Google, in an effort to combat click fraud, often filters out websites linked from link farms, or pages with nothing but links to other websites. This is one reason why free services to register your website may hurt you. Stick to specialized directories and organizations. They're more likely to help and not hurt your rankings.
Social Networking
Social networking sites can be a good way to promote a site, but not all of them will affect your rank directly. Digg and Del.icio.us are social linking sites that could potentially have the most impact.Make Your Graphics Search Friendly
Keep the Flash to a minimum. People may enjoy reading Flash, but search engines tend to skip right over it. Google has gained some ability to read Flash, but it is still limited. If your menus are in Flash, they might as well be invisible.Consider making plain text links in addition to or instead of Flash.
Give your images <alt> tags. Not only does it make your website more accessible to the visually impaired, it also gives you another chance to place your keywords where Google can see them.
Good Design Is Popular Design
In the end, strong, well organized pages are pages that Google tends to rank higher. They're also pages that tend to become more popular, which means Google will rank them even higher. Keep good design in mind as you go, and much of the SEO will design itself. 

الخميس، 15 مارس 2012

How to use the word Adwords

This can be very valuable, because Google favors local content, so as to be able to see the numbers of people to do a search in your area every month is really good, if you have enough of SEO and knowledge to get on the first page of this research.And can be searched for keywords that will help you work out, by typing in a keyword that you want in Google in quotation marks, to find out the exact number of games there. If you find one that has a local monthly search volume for more than 10,000, and less than 10000 the results of an exact match, then it can be a good material for writing, or a construction site.The word is used Adwords tool to help you calculate the value of certain keywords in the field of advertising. By changing the tool I use the Traffic Estimator, I can see that the Google Keyword Tool from AdWords has a value of about 56 cents per click, but it seems that there is a problem with some other characters, because he told me that it cost me 3 cents a day.

This tool can also be of use if you are using Google Adsense. By knowing the value of the word at the end of purchase, you can estimate the value on the payment limit. May be half or less worth if one clicks on the ads when you have Google Adsense.In any case, I hope that explained a little about how to use the Adwords keyword tool. You can learn far more than keyword research, how to build a website successful that make money on this site: vocational training, internet marketing.

الأربعاء، 14 مارس 2012

‪1,000 Visitors In 24 Hours‬

Tired of fighting with the search engines to get visitors from them? Tired of fighting to maintain your ranking once you're in the search engines? Well tell Google to go jump off a cliff, because I'm about to show you...
How I drove 1,000 visitors to my website in less than 24 hours by creating and distributing just ONE video.

Blog Traffic Secrets – The Fastest Way To 1000 Visitors Per Day

 am often asked: ‘If you had to start over online, from scratch – what would you do to build up your traffic again as quickly as possible’
A very good question and one I have been giving quite a bit of thought to recently, especially as I have started to coach others in my new Blog Mastermind program.
So assuming you are starting from scratch or your funds are limited here is my Kick Start Strategy For Bloggers – both in video and an expanded transcript below.
My Kick-Start strategy can be explained in 3 words:

Twitter, Facebook, Lists

This strategy allows you to leverage your time and talents for maximum results with out having to spend a lot of money and it is my Marketing Strategy of choice for all new bloggers and even established bloggers for that matter.
I say it on the video and I will say it here again — this strategy is SIMPLE but don’t let the fact that it is simple put you off. Simple WORKS!
Of course if you have money to invest or you already have an established blog then the ‘rules’ are slightly different – but for a start-up blogger this is the way to go.
Enjoy the video and make sure to read the transcript. I have included some extra info in the transcript.
I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
very best wishes

Enhanced Video Transcript (Includes bonus tips not in Video)

Today I want to talk to you about something really cool. It’s about how to get 1,000 visitors in a day. One of the main reasons a lot of people fail is because they don’t have traffic, and they just give up, they get fed up. I was working with one of my students today and he wanted to know what my recommended ‘FREE TRAFFIC’ Formula for new bloggers in 2010 was?
That is what this video is about and the formula is simple:

Twitter, Facebook, Top Lists

I’ll explain Twitter first:
The first main thing you have to do with Twitter is set up a profile. It may sound a bit simple and you know, “Duh,” but it’s not. You’re going to have to have a profile picture. Don’t just set up your profile, just create an account, and just start tweeting, thinking people are going to follow you. To get rapport with your audience and a quality FOLLOW (rather than an automated Follow) you need a profile pic and quality interesting tweets.
Set up your profile so you show where you live, something interesting about you.
For me that could be I live in Sussex, England, I am dyslexic, I am a Young Entrepreneur and I make 6 Figures online aged 21
So once you’ve got your profile, you want to start adding people.
There are a number of ways to do this – including automated ways (which Twitter frowns on) and of course the manual way. I will admit I have used automated methods in the past – but these days I am more selective and while I still use tools, I use them to help me manage the twitter accounts easily. (Tools for example that allow me to forward plan tweets).
When I first started I found some of the biggest names in my niche (Blogging and making money online) and I followed whoever they where following.
Now, when people see “Michael Dunlop’s just added you,” they’re going to see this really a cool guy, offering some cool stuff, and will think, “Hey, I really want to follow him.” They’ll follow me back, and they’re going to check out my site, and check out what I have to offer, and, obviously, see my regular tweets. To help manage Twitter I use software out such as Twitter Adder and Market Me Tweet. (Highly recommended you check out)
The next thing is, of course, start tweeting. So many people have Twitter accounts but for some reason, they just don’t tweet. The more you tweet, the more traffic you’re going to get. If you tweet twice a day, say you get 100 visitors each time you tweet, that’s going to be 200 visitors. If you tweet 10 times a day, you’re going to get 1,000 visitors. (Simplified – but the more you tweet and the more interaction you have with your followers and the more respect they have for you – the more traffic you will get)
A lot of people only tweet while they’re awake – but with software like Market Me Tweet you can plan to tweet 24/7. If you’re tweeting while you’re asleep, that’s a whole audience that probably don’t get your regular tweets.
Using software to Follow, Un-Follow, Tweet and mange your Twitter account saves some much time and frankly if you are serious about Twitter then you will need to invest in these inexpensive tools. My personal favorite is Market Me Tweet, the only Twitter Application that allows you to Brand, Market, and Manage, all in one!
There is also Twitter Adder which I have had great success with in the past. Both Market Me Tweet and Twitter Adderallow you to add more people, but Market Me Tweet also gives you a bunch of extra branding options.
This is Important: Make your tweets interesting, newsworthy, fun, inspiring – and naturally include links to wherever it is you want your followers to visit. Personal Fun Tweets are also OK – but remember at this stage, your goal is to get traffic to your website.

Facebook and Facebook Fan-pages

This is something that’s really starting to take off as a method of Traffic Generation. You have a popular blog – create aFan Page for it
You want to create a fan page, telling a bit about you, and your website, and why to become a fan. Invite all your friends. When your friends join, they’re going to see that you’ve joined this group, and then think, “Oh, my friend’s joined, I’m going to join that.” And then it just sort of goes viral and spreads.
There are other ways to grow your Fan Page quicker such as this tip I learned from Joshua March ofhttp://theiplatform.com when he spoke at Yanik Silvers Young Mogul Day. He said to find someone high profile in your niche, a bunch of them, and ask them to become a fan, because all their followers will then see them becoming a fan and a good number are likely to follow your lead.
Again – as I mentioned above this only works if what you are blogging and tweeting about is interesting, newsworthy, fun and inspiring. No big name is going to become your Fan unless they can see there is something worth being a Fan of.
Do this right and literally overnight, you’ll get hundreds and hundreds of people joining your fan page. Something really powerful you should consider doing.
The next thing is, obviously, posting messages. Like, again, with Twitter, so many people have Facebook and Twitter, they just don’t post. Constantly post. Not just your own stuff. Tweet other people’s things and Facebook other people’s things, and they’ll then do the same for you.
More Help with Fan Pages:

Michael’s Power House Of Traffic – Top Lists

Now the really powerful stuff starts. I shall pull my sleeves up for this one.
Top ListsTop Lists, Top Lists!
If you have been following me you will already be familiar with some of my Top Lists (and I am including links below)
For me the list could be “Top 30 Bloggers.” or “Top 30 Richest Internet Entrepreneurs,” or “Top 30 Female Entrepreneurs.”
But lets say you are in the Food or Restaurant Niche – then the lists could be: “Top 30 Celebrity Chefs,” or “Top 30 Restaurants In London,” Or of in Golf Niche it could be “Top 30 Richest Golfers,” or if it is Celebrity Niche it could be “Top 30 Richest Latino Actors.”
The next thing you want to do is either create the list yourself or outsource it. I admit it – a lot of my lists are outsourced but when I started I of course could not afford that and did all the work myself. Lists can be quite Time Intensive (several days work some times) so I uses services such as TaskUs.com. Or you could use SitePoint.com or DigitalPoint.com to find somebody there who would go and do the work for you.
Beware – sometimes the first language of the person doing the work may not be English and you may have to do some editing – but you can be paying as little as $50 for this List Creation – so don’t expect complete perfection.
Make sure you’re clear with what you want. Give them an example. Like, “Here’s an example of who I like, they’re worth this much, I want a picture this size,” and just tell them how many of them you want. You may want 10, you may want 20. For some of my lists I ask for 500 [laughs] . You make it up, they’ll price you accordingly.
Also note that while I outsource the Research the Introduction, Title and Promotion of the list is all done by me.
Now, something I have to point out to you is the importance of using software such as Tweetmeme, which basically counts every time someone tweets it, and it also gives a button for people coming to the page to tweet it, as well. Now, this is really cool, because more people that tweet, the more people that will tweet. Because they’ll think, “Oh wow, everyone is tweeting, I should join as well.” By association, they’ll feel like they’re part of it more.
Imagine if overnight, there was were 1,000 retweets on your post and 1,000 people who retweeted had just 100 active followers then thats a potential audience of 100000 people. I have had some of the biggest stars on Twitter Re-Tweet my posts – and once I was even on Trending Topics for a few moments (which is the top ten things spoken about on Twitter at that moment) – so hopefully you see how powerful this can be.
I sometimes think it is amazing all the things I accomplished before Twitter came along, but these days with Twitter and Facebook so much more can be accomplished quicker – especially when combined with Top Lists.
Prior to Twitter my online promotion has got me interviewed by sites and newspapers around the world. I was in AOL News. I was in Yahoo! News. I was PC Mag and all these other ones, and even in some French sites and Brazilian newspapers. Looking back it was ridiculous that this teenage kid could do so much – but I did and mainly it was because of the power of Top Lists and the way I hustled traffic.
Now with Twitter and Facebook it has never been easier to become a Global Sensation.
It may seem these three strategies are really simple. That’s exactly right. It’s just the fact that so many people don’t implement it. And some of the best things in life are just that simple and great [laughs] .
So I hope you enjoyed this video and I will speak to you soon.
Below are Links to some of my Top Lists — hopefully they will inspire you to create your own Top Lists

Some of My Winning Top Lists:

50 most influential bloggers of 2009 1342 Tweets and 155 comments
Top Earning Websites 557 Tweets and 160 comments
30 Richest Internet Entrepreneurs 464 Tweets and 95 comments
Top 30 Female Internet Entrepreneurs 463 Tweets and 111 comments
Top Earning Blogs 457 Tweets and 221 comments

الجمعة، 9 مارس 2012

جدول امتحنات الفصل الثاني منازل ومسائي وصباحي والمدارس الخاصه

جدول امتحانات المنازل والمسائي جدول امتحانات الصباحي والمدارس الخاصه

جداول امتحانات نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني
للعام الدراسي 2011-2012
مجلس أبوظبــي للتعليــم

امتحانات التعليم العام

 جدول امتحانا الصف السادس وحتى الحادي عشر

امتحانات مراكز تعليم الكبار والدراسة المنزلية ( جدول امتحنات المنازل والمسائي )

 من الصف السابع وحتى الحادي عشر

امتحانات التعليم الخاص و تحديد المستوى و مراكز تعليم الكبار بمؤسسة التنمية الأسرية و الرعاية التربوية

 من الصف السادس وحتى الحادي عشر