الانتقال السريع

شقق للبيع , سيارت للبيع , محلات للاجار ,شقق للاجار!, ارقام تلفونات, ارقام سيارات مميزه ,ملابس للبيع محلات للبيع , !مجوهرات وضائف

الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2012

How to Search the Internet Effectively

How to Search the Internet Effectively
Search Engines

Internet search sites can search enormous databases of Web pages, using titles, keywords or text. You can maximize the potential of search engines by learning how they work, and how to use them quickly and effectively.

The challenge is to ask your question the right way, so that you don't end up overwhelmed with too many search results, underwhelmed with too few, or simply unable to locate the material that you need. As with most skills, practice makes perfect!

Getting Started

Before doing a search, it's important to define your topic as completely and succinctly as possible. Write down exactly what information you're looking for, why you're looking for it, and what you're not looking for. This will help you to discover the best keywords for your search.


With the exception of search engines such as AskJeeves.com, which will take questions in the form of actual queries, most work best if you provide them with several keywords. So how do you determine which keywords will work best?

Most users submit 1.5 keywords per search, which is not enough for an effective query - the recommended maximum is 6 to 8 carefully chosen words, preferably nouns and objects. (Search engines consider articles and pronouns clutter.) Avoid verbs, and use modifiers only when they help to define your object more precisely - as in "feta cheese" rather than just "cheese."

Now you have your keywords. How do you enter them into the search engine?

Use of Phrases

Your most powerful keyword combination is the phrase. Phrases are combinations of two or more words that must be found in the documents you're searching for in the EXACT order shown. You enter a phrase - such as "feta cheese" - into a search engine, within quotation marks.

Some searches provide specific options for phrases, while others don't allow them at all; but most will allow you to enter a phrase in quotation marks. Check the "Help" files of the search engine you're using to be sure what it accepts.

Punctuation and Capitalization

Most search engines are insensitive to case: you can type your queries in uppercase, lowercase, or a mix of cases. If you use lowercase, most engines will match on both upper and lower case; so for general searches, lowercase is the safest form to use.

Not all search engines handle punctuation the same way. When in doubt, consult the "Help" file.

Boolean Basics

"Boolean" searching (named after George Boole, the 19th-century mathematician who founded the field of symbolic logic) is a powerful technique that can narrow your search to a reasonable number of results, and increase the chance of those results being useful. Boolean searches are simple to learn and tremendously effective. The three most commonly used Boolean commands (or "operators") are AND, OR and AND NOT.

AND means "I want only documents that contain both/all words." For instance, the search "London" AND "Big Ben" AND "Buckingham Palace" AND "Trafalgar Square" would return only documents that contained all four keywords or phrases. AND is the most frequently used Boolean command.

OR means "I want documents that contain either word; I don't care which." The query "London" OR "Big Ben" OR "Buckingham Palace" OR "Trafalgar Square" would return all documents that contained even one of these four keywords or phrases. Use OR to string together synonyms; be careful about mixing it with AND.

AND NOT means "I want documents that contain this word, but not if the document also contains another word." The query "London" AND "Big Ben" AND NOT "Buckingham Palace" would return documents that include London and Big Ben, but not those that also include Buckingham Palace. Remember that AND NOT only applies to the word or phrase that immediately follows it.

Most search engines support the AND NOT command.  It is sometimes called BUT NOT or NOT, and is sometimes indicated by placing a minus sign (-) before the term or phrase to be removed.  (Check the search tips of the engine you're using to see which form of AND NOT it accepts). Before you apply AND NOT, see what results you get from a simpler search. AND NOT is a great way to weed out results you don't want, such as pornography.

Quick Tips

Use nouns as query keywords. Never use articles ("a," "the"), pronouns ("he," "it"), conjunctions ("and," "or") or prepositions ("to," "from") in your queries

Use 6 to 8 keywords per query

Where possible, combine keywords into phrases by using quotation marks, as in "solar system"

Spell carefully, and consider alternate spellings

Avoid redundant terms

Check the "Help" function of the particular search engine you're using, since they all have their own quirks and preferences
A successful Internet search can take several tries. But remember: it's estimated that there are between 200 and 800 million documents online - with no master system for organizing this information! No wonder effective searches take knowhow, patience and ingenuity.

To find out about more about search engines, check out Search Engine Watch. This site has the latest information about the best search engines available, searching tips, and much more.

الأحد، 19 فبراير 2012

Free Page Ranking 8

اولا ادخل هنا كي تعرف ما هوا هذا العملاق النادر 

Link Directory Submitter semi-auto directory submission software

بي اختصار مفيد عمل برنامج هوا 
اضافه موقعك الى 
1. Free Directories

Free Page Ranking 8 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 7 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 6 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 5 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 4 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 3 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 2 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 1 directories submission
Free Page Ranking 0 directories submission
2. Reciprocal Free Directories

(You need to link to them first before they link your site)
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 7 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 6 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 5 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 4 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 3 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 2 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 1 submission
Reciprocal directories Page Ranking 0 submission
3. Paid Directories

(If you wish to pay and list on some high ranking quality directories)
Paid directories Page Ranking 8 submission
Paid directories Page Ranking 7 submission
Paid directories Page Ranking 6 submission
Paid directories Page Ranking 5 submission
Paid directories Page Ranking 4 submission
Paid directories Page Ranking 3 submission
هل ترى مواقع ذات بيج رانك 
الاقسام الموجود في دليل 
4. Niche Directories

(Free & Paid)
You can also filter the directory list and submit to the Niche Directories relating to your websites (what means Additional TargetedTraffic to your website):

اين يا ترى هذا المواقع في اي دوله يكون موقعي مضاف الزوار من اين احصل عليه من




ماهوا امتياز هذا البرنامج لماذا بي هيك سعر غالي
رمز PHP:
Let’s recap on what you can expect from Directory Submitter:

    Submit your Unlimited websites with this software.
    You’ll increase your site popularity in record time.
    You’ll receive more traffic by gaining a higher position in search engines, such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
    You’ll stop wasting time manually submitting to link directories.
    You won’t have to search for themed websites. We now have more then 5000+ quality directories already included.
    You will greatly reduce your reciprocal links from your website  because more then half the directories included in the software require  NO back links to them.
    You’ll cut down the number of directory rejections.
    You don’t have to upload anything to your website.  Everything is done from your desktop!
    You can submit ALL of your sites by using multiple profiles.
    The software is so easy, my 10-year-old niece whizzed through it in a matter of minutes!
    Each link directory in the submitter shows the directory’s current Google PR.
    You get FREE lifetime updates to any new versions we release.
    You get fresh link directories to submit to by simply clicking the  Update Directory Button from within the software, Each month we add  between 50-100+ new directories into the submitter.
    The Link  Title, Site Description and Keywords are rotated with each submission to  a directory.  This is to make each submission look as unique as  possible from each other, and also to help get your website listed in  search engines under many different keywords and link titles.
    Import and Export website profiles is now also included
    Users can now assign a custom color to each directory in the  submitter, this is useful if the user wishes to use a color coding  system to keep track of submissions or anything else.
    A  submission history report feature has been added to allow the user to  export and email a submission history report to their clients or for  their personal records.
    You can now add your own link directories  into the submitter or bulk import directories from .txt files or excel  exported .csv file.
    Multi Tabbed Browsing ?Run up to 10 browsers  within the submitter which will greatly increase the submission process,  because as you submit your website to one directory another directory  will load in the other browser tabs and be ready for you to submit your  website.
    Category Auto-Completion. Enter one or more  categories/subcategories for each site profile and Directory Submitter  will auto-select the category for you on the submit page in your order  of preference.
    Alpha sorting of directories from A-z and Z-a also Pr sorting of the directory list.
    Search option to find any directory in the submitter quickly.
    Add comments to any directory in the submitter.
    You can now add your own link directories into the directory submitter database.
    Bulk import directories from .txt files or excel exported .csv file
    A reciprocal manager script fully integrated with Directory  Submitter. It’s now easier than ever to submit to reciprocal  directories. Just click a button.
    5000+ directories now and also a  new database structure to increase the loading/refresh time when a user  moves between filters and when using large directory lists (more than  5000 sites).
    Auto Save, so you won? ever lose your submission history.
    Auto Update Notice if there is a new version of Directory Submitter  out or if there is an update to the directory database you will be  notified.
    Improved custom directory support and more configuration options and adding your directories is now easier than ever.
    A directory database checker and PR updater integrated in the submitter.
    You can now export/import your own custom directory database.
    You now also have access to brand new step by step video tutorials  that will take you through every process of using the software, It could  not be any easier.
    Online User Guide that shows you step by step how to use the software.
    Directory Crawler – With this powerful new feature you can get Link  Directory Submitter to search all the directories in the submitter or  only the directories you have submitted your website to and see if your  listing has been approved or not, and if the submitter finds that your  website was approved/listed then those directories will be marked in the  software as approved automatically, and you will also be able to create  a Snapshot HTML report for this information so you can share it with  your clients or anyone you think needs a copy of this information, but  that is not all you also have the option to include more general info  into the Snapshot HTML report for the website you are submitting, like  Google Pr, Google Inbound Links, Pages Indexed in Google, and Yahoo  Inbound Links and Pages Indexed in Yahoo… Plus you have the option to  include the (Serp Data) Search Engine Position for keywords/phrases you  are trying to rank for in the search engines…

    You can now manually mark a directory from the directory tree to Approved/Not Approved.
    You can now sort the directory list by the directory status in the submitter.
    You can now see the url of each directory from the list just by hovering your mouse over the directory.
    You can now mark a directory in the submitter as broken if you find it has some issues at the moment.
    You can now instantly see the Google PR for any directory and page  on the directory with the new PR indicator that is found next to the url  address window in

    the web browser in the software.
    Added a 1 Click Fast access for editing your website profiles in the submitter.
    All popups and java script error windows are automatically blocked.
    Plus you get unlimited email support for as long as you need it.
    And much more  
سعرها غالي جدا ولاكن انتم اغلى احبابي

لان كيف يتم حمل برنامج 

 ((   اكتب تعليق يظهر لك رابط التحميل ))

اذا ماظهر الرابط بعد التعليق ارجو مراسلتي 

1 اذا لا تعرف للغه الانكلزيه لا تتعب حالك وا تتعب نفسك لانه ليس معربا 
اذان ما هوا الحل انا عجبني هذا برنامج

تفضل شرح فيديو كي تعرف كيف تثطيب هذا عملاق
او من موقع اصلي كيق تنصيب برنامج وا كمل شي موجود بشرح فيديو 
Link Directory Submitter – Video Tutorials

Installing the Link Directory Submitter for the first time – You should watch this tutorial if you need help with installing Link Directory Submitter on to your computer.
Activating the Link Directory Submitter – You should watch this tutorial if you need help with creating a serial code to activate your copy of the Directory Submitter.
The Link Directory Submitter Interface – You should watch this tutorial if you need help to understand the Directory Submitter interface.
Adding a Website Profile into the Link Directory Submitter – You should watch this tutorial if you are not sure how to add a new website profile into the submitter.
Adding New Directories into the Custom Directory Database in the Submitter – You should watch this tutorial if you are not sure how to add your own directories into the Custom Directory Database

اذا طبقت هذا برنامج مع شرح اضمن للك القمة وا دعك من رفع اليكسا وا مواضيع بلاك سيو الى لا يقدم ولا ياخر وا دليل على كللامي ارجع على موضوع بعد 24 ساعه انضر زوار هذا موضوع اذا ما وصل الاف لا اقبل اقل شي 4 الف زائر هذا دليل قاطع على كلامي ضد اليكسا وا مواضيع اليكساالمحتويات هوا يقرر بيج رانك وا قوة الارشفه وا اليكسا ملعون